Puente de la Barra

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Without doubt, “Puente de la Barra”, is one of the most visited attractions by tourists during their stay in Punta del Este. In order to join La Punta with La Barra, this bridge crosses the Maldonado creek and is located about 10 km from the center of this city.

The first bridge, which was originally two-way, was built by “Leonel Viera “in 1965, who managed to tighten the structure with thick steel cables that rest on concrete blocks that gives that particular Ripple. The bridge has the capacity to handle vehicles up to 14,000 kilos.

The second bridge was built in 1999 because of the great influx of traffic that occurred in this City during summer season (January / February). Thanks to its particular structure is known as the bridge of the two humps or laughter, and drivers often spend several times going through it to experience the feeling of those undulations.


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